Infographics for the visibility and dissemination of scientific articles: analysis from the author’s point of view




editorial management, editorial processes, editorial management issues, academic journals


The era of digital identity increases its positioning and impact within the different spheres of society. In the case of this study, the scientific field, where the digital and technological have permeated strongly, to this is added the massive presence of magazines. and scientific publications, with this, competition for visibility emerges to capture the attention of researchers. The objective that guided the present study was to determine the importance of the use of infographics as a means of visibility and dissemination of scientific articles from the perspective of the authors. For this, a data collection process was carried out, in a period of time, to a sample of 385 authors who have published scientific articles in 2022, therefore, the research was empirical, cross-sectional and descriptive, as an instrument. of investigation the survey was used. The new generations of researchers are immersed in the digital world, where the management of their researcher identity is decisive for their professional career, that is where infographics act as a means of visibility. Researchers observe the use of infographics as a motivational element or reward for the work done, this given that few scientific journals use this type of graphic element for their published articles.


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How to Cite

Cueva Estrada, J. (2024). Infographics for the visibility and dissemination of scientific articles: analysis from the author’s point of view. We Journal Review, 1(1), 1–8.