Public policies for scientific dissemination and divulgation: a theoretical review from the Peruvian contex
Public policies, scientific research, scientific dissemination and divulgation, State, scienceAbstract
This article aims to analyze the public policies promoted in Peru to encourage research. To this end, a documentary study was carried out; a content analysis was conducted, with information from articles published in databases of worldwide impact Scimago Journal / Country Rank; laws and regulations, as well as reports and official records from national agencies, such as the National Superintendence of Education (SUNEDU). The content analysis method allowed for a systematic description and a critical and reflexive analysis of the information. The results obtained show a favorable growth in the number of scientific publications, but slow when compared to other Latin American countries. This situation is due to the parameters established by the State, as well as the institutional capacity required for the design, implementation and evaluation of policies, which are key factors for success. It is concluded that public policy on science, technology and innovation in Peru often aims to have a greater visibility of science as a way to promote and increase the collection of knowledge in journals and universities.
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